Fejeran Books

A Servant's Heart

with a Higher Purpose

Hello and welcome to my website,

I am Sheila Fejeran, an author, speaker, coach and content creator who helps women who want to have a relationship with God know that they are loved by God, they are enough, and they possess intrinsic worth because of who He made them to be.

Fejeran Books

A Servant's Heart

with a Higher Purpose

Coming Soon!!

The journey of acknowledging, embracing, and being transformed through His love.

Featured Books

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Experience the power of Christ through pursuing the humility of Christ

- Slave of Christ -

Slave of Christ exposes the secret and gives us the key to unlock
this hidden treasure that is waiting for us. It’s time for you to experience
the freedom of God through becoming a Slave of Chri1 Columnst!

- I am the Lord, Your God -

Through examining the first and greatest commandment, you will find out what and how they were able to walk with God. We were created by Him and meant to be in relationship with Him. We are His children, and He desires to love, protect and care for us. Through this scripture, He gives us the answers to what it means to have this type of relationship with Him.

More Books

Living Sacrifice

In this book, we examine the decisions and choices we need to make in our lives to surrender every area of our lives to God. Living Sacrifice brings together practical examples and the message of the scriptures to glorify God and be transformed through the renewing of your mind. It’s time for you to experience the blessings of God through becoming a Living Sacrifice!

Life with an Addict

This book is meant to assist those people living with those experiencing additions and is meant to help those people who bear the consequences of the actions of the addict. There are little or few substantial resources for everyone else dealing with the addict. This is for you. This is meant to be an honest look at what we go through. It is meant to let you know you are not alone. This is meant to give you hope that someone understands what you are really going through behind closed doors.

True Success

This power-packed, action-oriented book is for people who want to make a change.

It gives you the knowledge, understanding and tools necessary to take action and build the life you always dreamed of, but has seemed out of reach.




Purpose-Driven Path

Sheila Fejeran is grateful to be alive. She has been in over twenty car accidents, including being struck by a bus, experiencing whiplash four times and being hit while walking in a parking lot. These incidents damaged her immune system, as well as suffering from meningitis, and led to three autoimmune diseases, which produce periodic incapacitation. Sheila realizes life is a gift and each day a blessing.

Despite achieving significant success in her career, Sheila has experienced considerable hardships in her personal life. She has encountered extreme challenges in her relationships, whether within the context of marriage or family, involving individuals struggling with addiction of all kinds. She has had her life threatened and suffered numerous emotionally and physically harmful situations.

However, through it all, God saved her. He guided her, using the challenges to refine her character and renew her faith in Him, as well as her compassion and love for others. While she has endured significant suffering, both inflicted by others and as a result of her own choices. She has been forgiven much and loves deeply out of gratitude for how God has loved her.

Sheila is an extremely proud mother to sons Garrett and Jordan.
“I still call them ‘my boys’ even though they are grown men,” she says.
“After God, they are my why.”

"Do What’s Right and God Will Do What’s Left"

Sheila Remembers it Vividly

She grew up on a 56-acre farm outside a town of 3,000 in northern Kentucky. At six years old, she was awake before dawn, milking the cows, feeding the chickens, spreading hay for the cattle. “On the farm, if we didn’t work, the family didn’t eat. Now that’s living life with purpose!” she laughs. At that young age, she learned a vital life lesson - just how far a powerful work ethic can take you.

From the Farm to the Board Room

As often happens with small town kids, Sheila eventually found rural life too small to contain her big dreams. Armed with a college degree and a spitfire spirit, she was off to Philadelphia where her hard work turned into a standout career in strategic radio advertising sales. Sheila was then recruited by a pharmaceutical company, which soon brought her to Texas, where she turned her dedication and a relentless travel schedule into company ownership and a lucrative pay out when the company was sold years later. As a single mother of two young boys, Sheila knew she was finished traveling and decided to pursue what turned out to be her true career calling: real estate.

A Wealth of Knowledge

Over the past 33 years, Sheila has been a sales trainer in the media, pharmaceutical and real estate industries. Regarded as a leading figure in real estate, she oversees an organization spanning 20 countries with 16,000 agents. In 2022-2023, her team achieved $90 billion in sales, solidifying her position as the top woman globally for eXp Realty in growth and attraction over the past six years.

Sheila is a partner in a national real estate expansion team, overseeing operations across nine cities; as well as a partner in a marketing and lead generation company headquartered in Texas. Sheila’s newest partnership is with industry titan Pamela Bardhi of Revelution, a prominent provider of storage container homes and ADUs, and they are working to revolutionize home affordability across America.

She is a serial entrepreneur, having played integral roles and held ownership positions in numerous ventures across four industries. Presently, she is involved as an owner, partner, or investor in thirteen enterprises spanning prop-tech, real estate, digital assets, crowdfunding, and the fractionalization and tokenization of real estate.

Her expertise extends to various real estate domains, including development, new home construction, buy-and-flip strategies, renovation, and property management. Additionally, Sheila is an avid investor, with diverse portfolios encompassing residential and multifamily apartment complexes.

Currently, she holds single-family property portfolios in Texas, Florida, Kentucky, and Puerto Rico, along with ownership of over 1000 multifamily doors in Texas.

Sheila is a highly regarded public speaker in the real estate industry and is often invited to speak to community groups on personal development and faith.

A Higher Purpose

While forming her business was a pivotal day in her career, the most pivotal moment in her life was April 17, 1991––the day she was baptized and devoted her life to Christ. Every day since has been spent serving Him in every aspect of her life. In her real estate career, this means truly making a difference in the lives of her clients and channeling her career to give Glory to God. “We live and work by a simple guiding principle,” she says. Outside of work, Sheila enjoys studying and researching for her next book and teaching Bible classes for women's groups.

A Servant's Heart

This purpose driven style of service, as well as her early life lessons, truly influence her approach. Her clients will tell you Sheila works extremely hard for them and that she has a Servant’s heart. Sheila believes what Zig Ziglar used to teach: Help enough people get what they want and you will get what you want. Sheila believes that life is about relationships. Relationship with God, self and others. Taking the time to treat each relationship with care and concern, being sensitive to the needs of other people, and working to always retain unity are what she strives for.

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